Submerging Jew
Posted: April 28th, 2003 | 1 Comment »Wrong coast, and dammit. While everyone else is having fun , resuscitation I’ve been in Florida, men’s health having spent Passover with family in a big golf resort in Palm Beach. I shouldn’t be complaining as it was really lovely and relaxing and the food was great and I got to play wise science-explaining uncle to my eight-year-old cousin and I gained a kilo or nine. But, as I am currently explaining to Gilbert in an AIM window, I would much rather have been camping in a tent in a backyard in San Jose. (I’m trying to keep up with the notes, but as usual, Webb is typing faster than I can read.)
If you’re wondering what it’s like taking part in a Jewish festival, let me give you a sample of the one before the one just gone: Purim. More specifically, a sample of what happens if you spend the Purim meal at my friends the Goldbergs, receiving wave after wave of spielers. These are bunches of kids who run around the Jewish neighbourhoods on Purim night, performing songs and sketches and collecting for charities. The Goldbergs live right in the heart of Golders Green, which is the most Jewish place in Britain, so the spielers were, at points, queueing three acts deep at the door.
Anyway, for the three-minute, digested version, see Purim 2003 in Golders Green: What You Missed. (That file is being shared using Open Content Network to help ease bandwidth use, but mainly just to prove to myself that it’s easy. If you have problems or just can’t be bothered with all the faffing and needing Java Web Start, try this link instead) Also, the photos are here.
(This post would have been made on Friday while I was still in Miami, but MT wasn’t playing dice – turns out to be some weird Trackback autodiscovery bug that made MT hang when certain links were included. Arse.)
I loved the hardcore Techno bit. Always a pleasure to see young and tender Jewish souls in a fleshy Ultra Violet light, making ballet movements, well synchronised 🙂