This is your brain on sleep
Posted: May 9th, 2003 | 2 Comments »Something scary that I noticed during a short waking period in the middle
of the night: When still half-asleep and short of energy, sildenafil online
my brain isn’t capable of handling certain concepts;
most notably, diagnosis differentiating between virtual objects (data) and real things. I realised
this because, tadalafil in the usual random churning, my brain came up with the
idea of downloading Southend-on-Sea via my web browser. Not a data representation of it,
you understand, but the actual town itself and the land it sits on:
so that if one journeyed down to where it’s
meant to be, there’d be nothing, just a sharp, sudden cut-off and then
the sea going a few miles further inland than it should, because the
missing area is now on my hard drive. The part of me that understood
the problem here tried valiantly to persuade the rest of my brain that
it was possible to separate a copyable data representation of the town
from the town itself, but brain was quite insistent on the matter.
(Don’t worry, it’s happened before. Or maybe worry more.)
Thus ends my Webb-baiting for the moment. I should keep quiet about
things like this, shouldn’t I?
Mmmm Manar and I grew up in Southend . . . steer well clear.
It would be fab if you could just upload me from Southend tomorrow. Would save all that mucking around with trains. Mind you, my sister’s machine here only has a 33.6 modem, so the train may be quicker.
Hmmm. I think the same night you had that dream, I woke up having just disembowled two bottles of Listerine which somehow represented some kids who were causing trouble outside my family’s Southend residence.
Nurse? Nurse….
P.S. You promised me you would fix the atrocious formatting on this page. Here’s a horizontal line. I can do you a deal if you want them in bulk….